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December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
December 15 was Bill of Rights Day. It marks the 221st anniversary of the day when the first ten amendments - our Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.
As I listened to Henry Hinton's Talk of the Town local radio program on Tuesday (12-18-12), I was simply amazed and troubled at the ignorance depicted by the hosts and several of the callers.
As I listened to Henry Hinton's Talk of the Town local radio program on Tuesday (12-18-12), I was simply amazed and troubled at the ignorance depicted by the hosts and several of the callers.
But I have serious problems in his (Abraham Lincoln) legal and Constitutional justifications for the Civil War.
It is easy to see how our Founder's were influenced by John Locke when designing our government and drafting our founding documents.
It is easy to see how our Founder's were influenced by John Locke when designing our government and drafting our founding documents.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
Last year, I taught classes on the Constitution, Our Founding Fathers, Our Founding Principles, The Federal Court System, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism.
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
When a curious woman approached Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in September 1787 and asked him what kind of government the delegates had given the people, he replied: "...A Republic, Ma'am, if you can keep it."
Lately, the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee, which I chair, has been either commended or crucified by other Republican activists. Contrary to the belief of many, I do not think we are saints or sinners in this regard.
Lately, the Beaufort County Republican Party Executive Committee, which I chair, has been either commended or crucified by other Republican activists. Contrary to the belief of many, I do not think we are saints or sinners in this regard.
The Constitution was established to provide limited centralized government. It was established as an "agent" or servant of the States. It was to serve the common interests of the States so that they can act like a "Union" of states and not 13 independent states.
The Constitution was established to provide limited centralized government. It was established as an "agent" or servant of the States. It was to serve the common interests of the States so that they can act like a "Union" of states and not 13 independent states.
We hear much ado these days about the issue of federalism. That is, what powers does the national government have and what powers does that level of government not have.
We hear much ado these days about the issue of federalism. That is, what powers does the national government have and what powers does that level of government not have.
The NC Institute for Constitutional Law (NCICL) recently published an article about nullification, asserting that it not a legitimate constitutional remedy.
The NC Institute for Constitutional Law (NCICL) recently published an article about nullification, asserting that it not a legitimate constitutional remedy.
What ever became of the Bill of Rights?? Specifically; Amendment I (Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press: Rights of Assembly and Petition), Amendment II (The Right to Bear Arms), and Amendment X (Powers Retained by the States and the People).
What ever became of the Bill of Rights?? Specifically; Amendment I (Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press: Rights of Assembly and Petition), Amendment II (The Right to Bear Arms), and Amendment X (Powers Retained by the States and the People).
Jefferson believed it was up to the States, the parties who drafted and ratified the Constitution and thus created the federal government to stand up to the government when it exceeds constitutional bounds.
Jefferson believed it was up to the States, the parties who drafted and ratified the Constitution and thus created the federal government to stand up to the government when it exceeds constitutional bounds.
It is a good thing the doctrines of nullification and interposition are being revived. Perhaps it's the urgency of the constitutional crisis we face that has made the doctrines so appealing and sensible.
It is a good thing the doctrines of nullification and interposition are being revived. Perhaps it's the urgency of the constitutional crisis we face that has made the doctrines so appealing and sensible.
Our Founders made sure they provided for the proper avenues to counter a government that evinces such a design and even provided for the right to abolish that government.
Our Founders made sure they provided for the proper avenues to counter a government that evinces such a design and even provided for the right to abolish that government.
Judge Wilton "Rusty" Duke, Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for District 3A, was the keynote speaker at the Beaufort Patriot TEA Party Thursday (2-16-12).
Judge Wilton "Rusty" Duke, Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for District 3A, was the keynote speaker at the Beaufort Patriot TEA Party Thursday (2-16-12).
Obamacare has the potential to transform this country into one that dangerously curbs our fundamental freedoms, socializes wealth, status, and risk, and puts us at the mercy and the discretion of a government that is more interested in social engineering than the individual rights.
Obamacare has the potential to transform this country into one that dangerously curbs our fundamental freedoms, socializes wealth, status, and risk, and puts us at the mercy and the discretion of a government that is more interested in social engineering than the individual rights.
The law on the Fourth Amendment's protection from unreasonable search and seizures is evolving. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers North Carolina) ruled last week on what may become a landmark case.
The law on the Fourth Amendment's protection from unreasonable search and seizures is evolving. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals (which covers North Carolina) ruled last week on what may become a landmark case.
Those who are students of the law (a.k.a legal scholars—as opposed to practitioners) know full well that the law lags behind society and culture.
Those who are students of the law (a.k.a legal scholars—as opposed to practitioners) know full well that the law lags behind society and culture.
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled today (1-23-12) that police violated a man's Fourth Amendment right of protection from unreasonable search and seizure when they put a GPS tracking device on his car and monitored his movements for 28 day.
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled today (1-23-12) that police violated a man's Fourth Amendment right of protection from unreasonable search and seizure when they put a GPS tracking device on his car and monitored his movements for 28 day.
The need for government, plain and simple, is because absolute freedom is impossible.
Calvin Coolidge once said: "To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race."
Calvin Coolidge once said: "To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race."
We want to motivate, inspire and activate this generation to be Patriots with Moral Character. We want to help find, develop, and train leaders to help restore our country to the Republic our Founding Fathers meant it to be.
We want to motivate, inspire and activate this generation to be Patriots with Moral Character. We want to help find, develop, and train leaders to help restore our country to the Republic our Founding Fathers meant it to be.
The English Bill of Rights was clearly a precursor to our US Bill of Rights.
The English Bill of Rights was clearly a precursor to our US Bill of Rights.
As might be expected, the text of the Magna Carta of 1215 bears many traces of haste, and is clearly the product of much bargaining and many hands.
As might be expected, the text of the Magna Carta of 1215 bears many traces of haste, and is clearly the product of much bargaining and many hands.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
If we look back on our grade school education, we remember being taught the very fundamentals of what went on at the Constitutional Convention.
Most of the media reports focus on the court's holding that the age of a suspect should be taken into consideration in determining whether the juvenile was legally questioned by police. The court held that age must be a consideration.
Most of the media reports focus on the court's holding that the age of a suspect should be taken into consideration in determining whether the juvenile was legally questioned by police. The court held that age must be a consideration.
Scholars view the Constitution from 2 viewpoints: Some see the Constitution as an unchanging document; and others see the Constitution as a "Living Document."
Scholars view the Constitution from 2 viewpoints: Some see the Constitution as an unchanging document; and others see the Constitution as a "Living Document."
This is install considers: the the first ten in the Bill of Rights, an overview of the Constitution, and then the remaining seventeen of the Bill of Rights.
This is install considers: the the first ten in the Bill of Rights, an overview of the Constitution, and then the remaining seventeen of the Bill of Rights.
In this 4th segment of Diane Rufino's examination of our Founding Principles, she examines: Compact Federalism, the Federalist Farmer andAlexis de Tocqueville.
In this 4th segment of Diane Rufino's examination of our Founding Principles, she examines: Compact Federalism, the Federalist Farmer andAlexis de Tocqueville.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
Diane Rufino: "I think Mike Hayes and I have a fundamental disagreement on both the foundation and the future of this country."
Diane Rufino: "I think Mike Hayes and I have a fundamental disagreement on both the foundation and the future of this country."
This article is in response to the article, “Physician, Heal Thyself,” by Mike Hayes.
This article is in response to the article, “Physician, Heal Thyself,” by Mike Hayes.
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